Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I love the week around Midsummer!! The hummingbirds are swarming around their feeder during the day and lightning bugs light the nights.

Yesterday Rhode Island was under a severe weather watch and a possible tornado warning. Now, growing up on Quonochontaug Pond, I have experienced many a hurricane. I remember the storm surge of 1954's Carol working its way up towards the house from the marshes and pond. I was relegated to the second floor and ran between the windows to catch all the action. Our farmhouse was on a bluff of sorts so the water was high to get up to the back steps like did.

But tornadoes scare the bejeebers out of me because they could come at anytime even in the middle of the night. Granted they usually accompanied by a severe storm and we have major technology to track them, I am still afraid that I'd be asleep and taken unawares. Besides we don't have an underground shelter. I know it's a bit silly to worry but everyone has some type of monster under the bed and that's mine.

Now let's talk about my Stitching mojo. It has returned. In my Stitching bag are three balls of Mary Maxim's SCRUB IT! 100% cotton with fringe. I will be crocheting dish cloths with the yarn. I also have eight balls of Lily's Sugar and Cream cotton yarn to make more cloths.

This all for the Country Store at the Washington County Fair in Richmond, RI. The fair is being held August 12 - 16th this year. It is a true country fair with animals being shown by 4H'ers and families. There are pulls and crafts galore. Don't forget about the food. There is plenty of that around the grounds.

As for cross stitching I have started Brooke Nolan's advent calendar and the Angel of the Christmas Star. During my down time I weeded my stash box and shared some my treasures with my granddaughter. Don't worry, I still have plenty of SABLE left, besides I can't seem to stop adding to the box. If I must have an addiction, there many which is much more detrimental to my health or purse.

Let me clue you all in on why Midsummer is so special to me. . . It's my birthday.

Enjoy your summer and do not get too much sand on your stitching.


Deb said...

Happy birthday Jennie!
Great update!

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