Saturday, July 25, 2015


It's July 25th and time to report in. I am back stitching a little each day.

Monthly allotment. $25.00
Spent.                            0.00

Balance to be carried forward to August:  $25.00

I have been stitching on Brooke Nolan's "Katie Kitty" and her "Spirit of the Christmas Star."  Neither are anywhere near done but a few stitches each day and they will get done.
As you can see, it's about one-third done. I am stitching each day on a separate piece of 14 count aids. I want to turn into pockets on a banner. The banner will hopefully be finished in 18 months.  

This is the beginning of the Spirit of the Christmas Star.   This one is going slower because I seem to be having trouble with my counting. 

Today is a National Holiday here in the U.S. It is the National Thread the Needle Day. So as I raise my needle in salute, keep on stitching.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I love the week around Midsummer!! The hummingbirds are swarming around their feeder during the day and lightning bugs light the nights.

Yesterday Rhode Island was under a severe weather watch and a possible tornado warning. Now, growing up on Quonochontaug Pond, I have experienced many a hurricane. I remember the storm surge of 1954's Carol working its way up towards the house from the marshes and pond. I was relegated to the second floor and ran between the windows to catch all the action. Our farmhouse was on a bluff of sorts so the water was high to get up to the back steps like did.

But tornadoes scare the bejeebers out of me because they could come at anytime even in the middle of the night. Granted they usually accompanied by a severe storm and we have major technology to track them, I am still afraid that I'd be asleep and taken unawares. Besides we don't have an underground shelter. I know it's a bit silly to worry but everyone has some type of monster under the bed and that's mine.

Now let's talk about my Stitching mojo. It has returned. In my Stitching bag are three balls of Mary Maxim's SCRUB IT! 100% cotton with fringe. I will be crocheting dish cloths with the yarn. I also have eight balls of Lily's Sugar and Cream cotton yarn to make more cloths.

This all for the Country Store at the Washington County Fair in Richmond, RI. The fair is being held August 12 - 16th this year. It is a true country fair with animals being shown by 4H'ers and families. There are pulls and crafts galore. Don't forget about the food. There is plenty of that around the grounds.

As for cross stitching I have started Brooke Nolan's advent calendar and the Angel of the Christmas Star. During my down time I weeded my stash box and shared some my treasures with my granddaughter. Don't worry, I still have plenty of SABLE left, besides I can't seem to stop adding to the box. If I must have an addiction, there many which is much more detrimental to my health or purse.

Let me clue you all in on why Midsummer is so special to me. . . It's my birthday.

Enjoy your summer and do not get too much sand on your stitching.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe: Spring Fling Stitching Give-away! Over 100 winners...

Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe: Spring Fling Stitching Give-away! Over 100 winners...: Everyone seems ready for spring. What better way to celebrate than giving away some stitching goodies! All of you know how I love to share. ...

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Let's get my Stitching From Stash report over before we sit down for a chat.

My Balance January: $10.00
My Budget  February: $25.00
The  Balance.                 $35.00

Expenses. February

2 sheets perforated paper:    $ 6.13
Mini tractor ornie kit.              
Plus 8 skeins of DMC.             $7.07
TOTAL                                        $13.20

Balance carried over to March:    $21.80

I did not do very much stitching this month. I did some frogging.  But mostly I sat being blue because of the snow.

I feel sorry for Boston and its environs. That much snow has proven to be crippling.  For me, it is not the amount but the number of days we saw snowflakes falling. There has more snowy days than days with sunshine. And let's not talk about the cold temperatures because we are now contending with ice. Okay that's my rant for this month.

I am starting the Spirit of Christmas Past over again. It fell onto the wet, rock salt puddled kitchen floor. Oh well, I ordered the new perforated paper. I got it from Amazon. The price was good and arrived in days. Accidents do happen.

I also started the Spirit of the Christmas Star by Brooke Nolan. This will be a Christmas present.

I spent time deciding which small charts to kit up. I have a knight on a charger which I'd like to turn into a set of coasters. These appropriate because my last name is "Knight".  My high school mascot was a charger and my Junior College was the Knight's. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Stitch From Stash Report for January.

2015A Stitch From Stash report  for January.

Month: January
Spent: $15.00
Earned: 0

This month, I spent $15.00 on a chart pack from Brooke's Books Publishing. I did not have any finishes.

I began to stitch from my stash, Spirit of Christmas Past by Brooke Nolan. I love her designs.

As you can see, I just started. This is for me. After stitching the Spirit of Christmas Baking last year, I decided to make something for me.  I asked my daughter-in-law which spirit she would like to receive. She chose the Spirit of the Christmas Star. It's a very beautiful choice which I will be starting soon.

My daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters gave me a gift card to Michael's. They sure know how to make me smile. I used it to purchase the floss that I needed for the new Spirit. I also picked up 5 DMC stitch bow packs for use with the Stitch Bow carrying case that I received last Christmas.

Concerning this wicked cold we have suffering these past couple of weeks, all I can say is, "oh my aching back and joints."  I do not go out unless I absolutely have somewhere to go. Thank goodness we haven't had much snow.